Porsche 911 Carrera RS

The Porsche 911 Carrera RS was produced between 1973 and 1974. The car itself is a collectors item, being the greatest of all classic 911's. RS stands for Rennsport which is German for race sport. The key features of an RS include a 2687 cc engine that develops at least 210 hp with MFI, stiffened suspensions compared to earlier 911's, larger breaks compared to it's earlier version, wider rear wheels & fenders, and the famous Porsche 911 ducktail rear spoiler.

The Porsce Carrera 911 is simply a beauty, being the most recognizable car released by Porsche. When you think Porsche, you think of the 911 (even if you don’t know the car's name). Featured in numerous films: Bad Boys to Wangan Midnight; the Porsche 911 is truly a legend.

This die-cast replica was passed down to me from my dad. It's got a lot of sentimental value to it. Surely , it's on your list of cars you'd at least want to drive before you die. As for now, owning a die-cast replica is as close as I could get.

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